Neil Harvey
Neil Harvey
.Brooklyn, New York
Neil Harvey is an award-winning artist and photographer. His paintings, pastels and photographs have been shown in galleries in California and New York.
He presented a breakthrough solo show titled “Minding the Gap: Contemplative Paintings” at the Aryaloka Buddhist Retreat Center in New Hampshire in 2013.
With five short films to his credit, he has been a featured artist at Chicago’s Mess Hall Experimental Music Festival. And he has been a guest lecturer for the Art Department at Shasta College in California.
He has produced over 300 internationally distributed public radio programs. Producing public radio programming on the environment, Native American issues and consciousness.
For 17 years he has been the host of the radio series The Bioneers: Revolution From the Heart of Nature.
In the 1990's he was the senior producer for New Dimensions Radio. With New Dimensions, Neil traveled to India to record The Synthesis Dialogues with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He was assistant producer for The California Indian Radio Project series.Early in his career he was associate producer for Music From the Hearts of Space and hosted and co-produced over 50 programs of The Love of Wisdom With Alan Watts.
As a recording engineer, he has traveled to Nepal, India, Japan, Mexico, Israel, England, Sweden and through out the United States. After stints in San Francisco, Paris and the rural village of Hyampom, CA, Neil now works from his studio in Brooklyn, New York.
He earned a BA in Visual Arts/Communications from the University of California, San Diego, where he studied with Manny Farber, Alan Kaprow, Jean-Pierre Gorin, Standish Lawder, and Babette Mangolt.